2/14 Nepean Ave Arana Hills QLD 4054
Ph: (07) 3161 0629
Fax: (07) 3161 4674
Dr Janette McMahon B Bus, Grad Dip Psych, B Psych (Hon), D Psych (Clinical), MAPS, FCCLP PsyBA Clinical Supervisor EMDRAA Accredited Trainer EMDRAA Accredited ConsultantDr Janette McMahon has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the Queensland University of Technology. She has extensive training
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or if you would like further information. We will be happy to discuss with you your needs or concerns prior to you making an appointment. WE ARE NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS 2/14 Nepean Avenue Arana Hills QLD 4054 (07) 3161 0629